Recent Amazon Purchases

Full transparency…I have purchased more from Amazon in the past 6 weeks than I have in my whole life. It’s not because I am anti-Amazon, it honestly has never been my go-to spot for online purchases. I’m extremely brand loyal and would rather shop a curated branded website than on Amazon. You could say I am a person who likes experiences over convenience. For me, Amazon can be a massive rabbit hole and is overwhelming to navigate. However, ‘a new normal’ calls for trying new things and Amazon seems to be fitting the bill for all the things I need right now.

Here are a few items I purchased on Amazon and love.

What’s Gaby Cooking: Eat What You Want Cookbook

I had seen this cook book all over Instagram and decided to check it out myself. I am so happy I did because I love the message of this cookbook - recipes for everyday life with no deprivation and no starvation. I love that we get to throw out all the diet rules and create simple meals that are delicious and make you feel good inside and out. Already getting excited to try out some of her recipes!

Ice Roller for Face & Eyes

I have talked about this face roller before, but I’m talking about it again because I am in love. I keep it in my freezer and use in the morning when my eyes are puffy. It really helps to reduce the puff and the cold roll on my face in the morning really wakes me up. Love it.

Silicon Bags

Since we have been cooking a lot more at home and I have been cutting up fruit and veggies to snack on I went ahead and bought a few more silicone bags to have on hand. We have been slowly converting over to these silicone bags vs using plastic baggies to help reduce waste. The bags come in multiple sizes and you can freeze, marinate, keep in the fridge, store in the pantry and more.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Bought a pair of blue light blocking glasses to help combat the amount of screen time my eyes consume in a day. My goal is to get a new prescription pair with blue light blocking technology incorporated but until I can go try them on, these are my go-to.

Hair Scrunchies

Taking it back to grade school, I invested in some silk scrunchies. I use these when washing my face, to keep my hair in a bun or to sleep in. It helps prevent breakage elastic ties cause and keeps creases out of my hair so I can style easily the next day.

Micellar Face Wipes

Hands down these are my favorite face wipes. The miscellar water really gets the dirt and makeup off my face each night and leaves my face feeling soft, clean and not irritated. The rose scent is lovely and super mild. Also, I love that Burt’s Bees is a clean beauty product plus sustainable. Win win in my book!

Ashwagandha Powder

I got into this herbal supplement a few years ago. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression in a natural and holistic way. I place a small scoop in my morning smoothie to help combat all those feelings that seem to be more in the fore front lately.

Dish Drying Rack

We were running our dishwasher so much that we started to clean dishes by hand to combat how much we were running the dishwasher. We quickly realized we needed a drying rack and ordered this one. Super affordable and gets the job done.

Here are a few things in my ‘saves’ that I have been thinking about purchasing:

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