How You Can Love Yourself By Trusting Your Inner Guide

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Let's talk about how you can love yourself by listening to and trusting your body and intuition. Don't you dare close out please stick with me on this! 

This topic is close to my heart, and one of the most important lessons you can learn in your health and well-being journey. Let my story be the proof point you need that healing your relationship with food, your body and yourself is absolutely possible!  

Let's start with my personal story…

I'm was an unhealthy yo-yo dieter for most of my life. I believed to my core I needed to shrink myself in order to make friends, fit in, get the job, and be loved. I tried to control food but felt out of control around food. I exercised for the sole purpose to burn calories vs enjoying movement. I had no idea how to be healthy, but thought I was getting healthier with every pound I lost. It came to a point that everything I did was based on the belief my worth was tied to how small I was.  

Can you relate? I know I'm not alone as I've heard countless stories about not loving ourselves as we are because we let external messages, voices and opinions about how we should eat (…think, work, vote, love, etc.) determine our choices and behavior. And because we seek external validation… 

It makes it hard for our body and intuition to tell us what would actually make us happy and healthy.

 You are probably thinking…but, how? 

 Remember, you have the power within to question, reject and rewrite your beliefs so you can start to reconnect with your body and intuition.  

It's all about making mindset shifts.

 Yes, it takes time and patience. But our bodies and minds are very powerful and want to work with us, not against us. It's in their nature! 

 It was when I started to rewire my mental dashboard and heal my relationship with food, with my body and with myself I started to see shifts in my life. I started to listen to myself and honoring the little voice inside me. I started to rediscover who I was, who I wanted to be and what healthy for me truly meant. 

It didn't happen overnight and I still struggle with negative thoughts about myself sometimes, but that's normal! Remember, your health, well-being and loving yourself is a journey. No end game here!

But here are a few practices I have implemented to help me love myself and tune into my body and intuition. 

The answer is already within, you just need to listen. You are so used to asking people for their opinion and advice to help you make decisions, but sometimes you allow their opinion and advice to make the decision for you. It's about silencing the noise, tuning into you, and knowing the answer is already within you. 

Set judgement aside. Mediate, journal or be still, but allow whatever to come up have a voice and know whatever comes up is not write or wrong. It is coming up for a reason so journal about it, explore it and allow it to unveil what you needs to hear from it. 

Seek balance. Seek balance between internal and external messages. You know what is best for you, so it is about taking the information provided to you and pairing it with your internal guide to make the right decision for you! 

Your turn: Let your body and intuition speak. What is she or he trying to tell you? Reply to this email and let me know!