Daily Outfit 02.21.24

Wanted to share a few of my goals and why these daily looks are part of my 2024 glow up.

  • I want to feel good. I’m simply tired. I’m tired of not taking care of myself, not putting the effort in and tired of feeling blah each day. When you shower, do your hair, makeup and pull an outfit together you automatically feel 10xs better. Instant magic!

  • I want to embrace my body where it is, today. We are our own worst critics and I’m challenging myself not only to get dressed, but take all the pictures, share them and not immediately hate what I see.

  • I want to figure out my style and what makes me feel and look the best. Currently I have a closet full of pieces vs. a wardrobe that works together. It will be a challenge, but I’m excited to challenge myself and build a wardrobe I love and feel confident in.

Enjoy today’s look.

I’ve always gravitated towards classic and neutral pieces, so when I dug into my closet archives today, I was pleasantly surprised to grab a few close oldies but goodies. You can never go wrong with a black turtleneck and a pop of leopard. What I did realize was I have zero black belts and I immediately added that to my closet needs list.

Here are today’s details:

JCrew Tissue Turtleneck

Madewell Jeans (they do fit TTS but have some stretch to them)

Leopard Ballet Flats (similar)

Clare V Bag

Black Belt

Daily OutfitsKristen Kunk