But What Exactly Does a Health Coach Do?

Being a holistic health coach and bringing all things health and wellness to you is one of my greatest joys and passions in life. As someone who struggled with her own health and wellness for so many years, I understand first hand what it is like to constantly think about food (what to eat and what not to eat), about your body (and all the imperfections), and not feeling like you can show up in life because your are not at your ideal anything yet.

So much of my mental and emotional being was spent on the “when I'm [insert desire here]” thoughts, but I would never do anything to change. I didn't believe in myself that I could cultivate better health in my life and worse yet, that I was worth cultivating better health in my life. 

But in all honestly, it came down to one thing. It was easier to stay in my old unhealthy habits than step outside my comfort zone and try something else, even when I knew it was the step forward in the direction of better health.  

I started by taking baby steps towards better health, and it wasn't easy breaking old habits or calling myself out on my own BS. But I did it. And the more old habits I broke down, progress was made until one day I woke up and realized how healthier my life now is. 

This is why I got into coaching. To help women maybe like you, stop struggling and giving so much of yourself to diets, but live presently in life by cultivating health and balance on your terms.  

So for those who may be thinking, “but what exactly does a health coach do?'”, well let me share with you:

  • I work to empower you to explore ways of eating that make you feel vibrant and healthy, not just what you've been told is ‘healthy’ or what you ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t' eat.  

  • I help guide you towards gradual, sustainable food and lifestyle changes by equipping you with mental and emotional tools.

  • Together, we focus on the big picture, how contributing factors in your life also affect your food choices and overall health. 

  • I help you explore what type of movement is right for you and feels good in your body. 

  • I help support you emotionally to help identify your goals outside of the scale. 

  • We focus on the big picture of movement and how it all contributes to your overall wellbeing. 

  • I help you build body confidence and accept your body as it is today (it's always changing!) so you can live your life and not hide from it. 

  • I help you work through old stories and help you make connections to your limiting beliefs that are holding you back mentally, emotionally and physically. 

  • I'm here to support, guide, encourage and keep you accountable to your goals. 

Sounds amazing, right?! Check out all the ways we can work together here and I have more support resources here, like freebies, mini courses and more!