How To Accept and Love Your Body No Matter What

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Do you ever wonder if you could love and accept your body?

'How' is someone capable to turning off the diet culture noise and truly love and accepts themselves no matter what?

Well, let me tell you a little secret...

Today I stood in front of the mirror...naked... and gave myself loving compliments and gratitude.

I told myself I am a badass, confident woman who is worthy.

I told myself I had beautiful eyes and hair and my collar bone and legs are my favorite feature.

I told myself I can do anything I put my mind to because I am amazing and worth my dreams.

I stood there giving myself compassion, love, confidence and everything in-between. And you know what, I started to dance because the energy around me was on FIRE and I couldn’t help myself.

Once I was done I walked out of the room, dressed for the day, and walked with swagger ready to soccer kick anything the got in my way.

This mirror exercise is one I have been doing for a little over a year now and it truly helped me on my path of body image recovery. 

It is a daily practice of mine right before I get into the shower where I take a few minutes while the water heats up and have a deep discussion with myself in the mirror.

I look myself dead in the eyes and speak kindness to the woman staring back no matter what.

I won't lie, when I first started this practice is was not an easy for at all. It was excruciatingly hard and I could barley look at myself, let alone think I was beautiful and absolutely could not say ‘I love you you are worthy’ because it felt like a lie.

But I committed. 

I committed to myself. 

I committed to process. 

Icommitted to the belief that I was capable of being a confident woman, who loved her body no matter what, and was worth feeling super badass about herself.

I get asked a lot from clients “how do you learn to accept and love your body?” and when I bring up this exercise of truly looking at yourself in the mirror and speaking kindness and love to yourself it hits a BIG...HUGE...nerve. The nerve that if you looked in the mirror you would be exposing and letting go the beliefs, negative self-talk and criticizing you have become accustomed to. 

Yes, you can do all the things….which are important too….

  • Stop comparing yourself to others

  • Take care of your body and what it needs that day

  • Accept compliments as they come and not qualifying it back

  • Eliminating negativity and| mute people on social

  • Express gratitude around your body in a journal

  • Reduce negative self-talk

But it is when you stand there naked, vulnerable and exposed, starring back at you biggest critic and looking them right in the eye and say ENOUGH is when you start the process to heal and move towards accepting and loving not on your body but yourself.

With love, compassion, grace and kindness you start to reclaim your self-love, self-confidence and most importantly your self-worth.