Simple + Healthy Chicken Salad

Being at home more this year I have really found my footing back in the kitchen. I am getting more and more comfortable with pulling ingredients together, getting creative, trying new things and just ‘whipping something up’. Maybe all those food shows I watch on the Food Network are paying off?!

Before it was about how easily could I meal plan and prep and have all my meals ready to take to work, but now, I am a lot less about meal prep and more about meal planning. (You can learn more about my meal planning and meal prep must haves here!) I actually enjoy searching for recipes, figuring out how I can make them my own and planning out our weekly meals. My goal is to take advantage of all this at home time so when life does speed back up again, I have new tricks, skills and recipes at my disposal.

Currently on the menu is this simple and healthy chicken salad. I love it because the base is super neutral that you can add in anything that sounds good to you. Also, it’s simple, easy and the ingredients are everyday ingredients so you are bound to have it all on hand. Here is what to do!

Simple + Healthy Chicken Salad

Serves 1:

  • 1 can Wild Planet chicken (or any canned chicken you prefer)

  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise (I like this avocado mayonnaise)

  • 1 green onion (or a white onion)

  • 1/2 granny smith apple (can use grapes too)

  • 1 stalk celery

  • 1 tbsp slivered almonds (walnuts and pecans are great too!)

  • Dash of hot sauce

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 cup romaine lettuce

  • 1 lemon wedge


  • Drain the chicken, shred and add into a bowl.

  • Chop the onion, apple and celery and place into a bowl with the chicken.

  • Add in the mayonnaise, hot sauce, salt and pepper and mix.

  • Add in the slivered almonds.

  • Rinse romaine and add into a separate bowl.

  • Place chicken salad on top.

  • Juice the lemon on top for freshness.

  • Enjoy!

Kristen Kunk_Simple and Healthy Chicken Salad.png