Things I’m Doing to Feel Good

Kristen Kunk Things I'm Doing to Feel Good.png

It’s no secret 2020 has been an emotional roller coaster of a year. The constant up and down has been unbearable at times with feelings and emotions exploding out of me. I have always considered myself a glass half full kind of woman, believing that everything happens for a reason while reminding myself of all the good happening around me, but this year has truly tested me, and I’m sure you, in so many different ways.

I’ve made it a point to continuously take conscious steps back to revaluate my thoughts and feelings, while also taking inventory on how I can cultivate feeling good and at my best in the moment. Sometimes it is expressing gratitude for something right then and there or it’s stepping outside for a breath of fresh air, but every time I step away from the emotional experience I am in or step outside my negative thoughts, I’m able to shift my mindset and mood to a positive and more vibrant feeling where I feel good and happy.

So today, I really want to spread that positivity to you too.! I’m not saying these thing will change your life, but maybe it’ll give you some inspiration on how you can feel good in the present moment! :)


You all know, especially if you follow me on Instagram, I have a daily walking routine. I head out first thing in the morning and listen to a podcast episode to kick off my day. This is my ‘me’ time where I can be outside, getting fresh air, moving my body and listen to something that makes me smile. It is such a mood booster for me. It just feels so good to get outside, breathe deep and move.

Being vulnerable + letting it out

I realized my explosion of feelings were due to me holding everything in. I was working so hard to be strong and positive for everyone else that I didn’t even realize how much I was holding in until I kept bursting into tears when someone asked me how I was doing. It’s okay to be vulnerable, share your thoughts and feelings, and let it all out. It’s nothing to ever be ashamed of and know you don’t have to carry the world on your shoulders. When we ask for help or talk our thoughts through we allow the heaviness to lift off of ourselves and we can better navigate the world around us. So be vulnerable and LET IT OUT!


My journaling practice has always been very come and go, but this year I can’t seem to put the pen down. I journal every day to help get my thoughts in order. It’s another way I have been able to let it all out and make sense of all the thoughts running through my head. This is also when I sit in gratitude. It’s a great daily reminder that happiness and good things are always happening around us which makes will for sure make you feel good and happy.


I forgot how much I missed my yoga practice. Whether it’s practicing a yoga flow or laying in savasana, some type of yoga makes me feel so good mind, body and soul. I love stretching my muscles, creating long lines with my body, and feeling back into my being. In a year where there is so much disconnection, yoga helps me feel reconnected. Even if it’s only for 10 minutes, yoga can help you stay in a positive, feeling good mindset and emotional state.

Hugging my husband

I heard this statistic (not sure if it is true of not and this stat could totally be about relationships, but who cares) that humans need hugs up to 12 times a day. Of course now I make my husband hug me at least 12 times a day (he just loves when I pop my head around his office door with the look of ‘it’s hug time!’.) Call me crazy, but this simple act makes me feel seen and safe. So whenever I feel down, emotional or need to feel safe, I make him hug me. So simple, but so effective!


All this time at home sparked a little passion for cooking. I never have been a natural in the kitchen but I have loved experimenting, being creative and learning new recipes and techniques. Cooking helps me focus, feel calm and allows me to feel somewhat in control when everything else is so out of control. Plus it’s fun to cook healthy and nourishing foods that make me feel good too.

Like I said, I know this isn’t a life-changing post, but I hope it encourages you to do something for yourself that makes you happy!

A few of my favorite wellness things to help you feel good!