My Total Body Activation (BeActivate) Experience

Kristen Kunk BeActivate Total Body Activation.png

Let’s take it back to a few days before Thanksgiving when my right lower leg started to feel numb and super tight. It was like my lower leg was in a constant sleep state, but I could still move my leg and walk as if everything was normal. Of course I immediately started to freak out, decided to Google my symptoms (bad idea) and diagnosed myself with all the scariest things possible.

But after a few days of my leg feeling this way (and a few light yoga sessions in-between) I had to make a decision, either call the Dr. or try an alternative therapeutic option. I voted for the alternative therapeutic option. Personally, I like to try alternative forms of medicines and therapies first so if I do end up going to the Dr. I can have a full conversation with them vs. them prescribing those options. (Note: This is my personal opinion. I am not a Dr. so please do what you believe is best for you and your health.)

The therapeutic option I decided to try was BeActivate or Total Body Activation.

A little background…I do all the social media and marketing for KSM Sports and Fitness. So last week when I was up there working, I spoke to the head athletic trainer, Chuck Gresham, about my leg. I always see him working on the athletes making sure their muscles are loose and healthy. So knowing he is a certified in total body activation I thought, why not me?!

I told him what was going on with my leg and he immediately told me my quadriceps were tight and stopping blood flow in my leg. Um what?! No blood flow? How did this happen? Well it happened because even though I consistently workout or do some type of movement in my day, I have also been sitting WAY more than I ever have and my muscles are TIGHT and are tight up against my bones. Eeek!

So now let’s get to my BeActivate session. First, I cannot recommend BeActivate enough! I truly thought it was only meant for elite athletes, but after having experience it myself, I am convinced BeActivate should be part of everyone’s physical wellness routine in some capacity.

So what exactly is BeActivate? Per the KSM Sports and Fitness website, “BeActivate is a dynamic new healing technique designed to strengthen and align the body, reduce tension, revitalize brain power, and instantly brings relief and healing to long-standing muscle and joint pain.”

Sounds like magic to me and having experience it first hand, it was!

What Chuck specifically did was specific muscle massages, he applied pressure to certain points on my body, and worked my whole body head to toe and side to side. He specifically worked up my leg, through my hips, into my lower back, up into my shoulder blades and neck, and finally into my arms.

As he worked, I could feel my muscles releasing tension, loosing and the feeling coming back into my leg. It was wild, amazing and relieving all at the same time. It was also tense and uncomfortable at times (Chuck warned me where it would hurt most and I could tell him to stop at any time), but as painful as some moments were, all the other ones were so relieving that I didn’t care. It was magic!

Also, throughout the whole process Chuck was super professional and explained to me exactly what he was going to do, why he was doing it, what it would help and what the discomfort level would be. He also informed me how I should feel 24-48 hours after so I could have clear expectations and a baseline to work from. He was also upfront that one session would immensely help, but that I might need additional sessions to create sustainable healing.

I truly appreciated him explaining so much to me because I felt like we were solving my issue together and creating a plan for me to continue to heal.

So how do I feel now? Almost immediately I felt better and the numbness faded away. I still feel better than I did with some numbness coming back but walking and stretching help to keep it loose and the blood flowing. I mean, it truly shows how even walking and light stretching can have a huge impact on the body. I have felt some of my muscles getting tight again, but this has signaled to me areas I need to continue to move and stretch. I did ask Chuck about the tightness and he said that was normal and to keep stretching.

I am honestly, so happy I got to experience something like BeActivate. I am always up for trying new therapeutic options to help keep my physical body healthy and balanced. I don’t know if I would have tried this on my own thinking it was for athletes only. But that is seriously not the case! I will absolutely be doing another session to promote my physical wellness.

Oh and Chuck also told me to start implementing an Epsom salt bath as another way to release tension, pull out toxins and loosen the muscles when i am home (salts are so powerful too)! So more to come here.

If interested in BeActivate, learn more about Chuck here and Columbus friends, sign-up for your BeActivate session here!