
Yesterday, I woke up to our first blanket of snow. It was still fresh and undisturbed which made it look even more magical as I stared out the window drinking my coffee. It’s was a great surprise as we kicked off the holiday season, as homes are now decorated with twinkling lights and it just bring so much joy right now.

Yes, 2020 has been one heck of a year, but as we say goodbye to a week full of giving thanks, enter into December (the last month of the year) and head towards the new year, I have been reflecting on both the joy and sorrow this year has brought us and realizing they can and do co-exist. This week (and year) I simultaneously felt deep sorrow for our world, and also great joy for the good things happening around me as well—there is (has been and will be) so much to be grateful for—and I’ve decided it’s perfectly okay to feel both things!

Do you allow yourself to feel both?

That being said, here are some things I wanted to share with you that I have been enjoying lately…

Currently listening to David Neagle’s podcast and this episode today. So good, especially if you keep asking yourself why things in your life haven’t change in the way you want them to change.

Reading this book this week: What Kind of Woman by Kate Baer If you follow Kate on Instagram, then you are super familiar with her poems. She truly has captured the thoughts and feelings of this year.

A few of my top gift picks as we close out black Friday and cyber Monday:

Recipe we are trying this week: I made this Hot Cocoa to kick off the holiday season and it was so good! Since I was making it at home, I wanted to make a healthier more balanced version that wasn’t super full of sugar (don’t get me wrong, LOVE the real thing too and will enjoy at the Zoo lights). However, this version was rich, chocolatey and super delicious!

Currently quoting: “The only meaningful thing we can offer one another is love. Not advice, not questions about our choices, not suggestions for the future, just love.” - Glennon Doyle