A Few Ways to Stay Healthy While We Social Distance.


What an interesting time we are all living through right now. A lot of unknown and uncertainty happening around us that it is even more important than ever to stay positive, healthy and safe. 

Like me, I know that many of you are  doing your part and staying in and/or working from home this week in an effort to practice social distancing (or better yet, physical distancing), and so I wanted to share with you a few ideas on how to keep yourself busy, healthy and mentally/emotionally balanced without leaving the house. I hope some of these ideas help you make the most of this time and keep you from going stir-crazy. 


1. Try out a new, healthy recipe you have had bookmarked for awhile. A few of my favorite recipes hereherehere, and here!

2. Stock-up on fresh and frozen veggies and fruits. Now is the time to take even better care of our immune systems and fruits and veggies filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants help, not sugary cereals, manwhich and candy. 

3. Take the time to be mindful of what you are eating this week. Since we are at home we can take the time to cook and mindfully choose what we are eating. We do not need to rush to pack lunches or quickly get dinner on the table. Excuses have been removed and we can make health, balanced meals for ourselves and our families. 

4. Make meals as a family. Let the kids chop the veggie, set the table or put ingredients into a pot. Have your significant other prep the meat or cook the veggies. Delegate the items and make cooking together full of connection and fun! 

5. Take this time for you! The excuses have been removed and eating out is no longer an option. Take advantage of this time and tune into your body, your hunger cues, fullness cues and what foods you like/dislike. 

6. Have a few healthy snacks to have around the house. Purely Elizabeth granola, Larabars, veggies and hummus/guacamole, apples and almond butter, nuts and seeds, Bare Naked dried fruit, and jerky are a few of my favorites. 


7. Boost your immune system by moving your body! There are a ton of streaming services right now offering free or affordable in-home classes. You can also do these as a family. 

8. Take a 30-minute walk during your 'lunch break' or after work. Go as a family or take the time for yourself, but get outside and get some fresh air. Fresh air works magic for you mentally and emotionally!

9. Stretch throughout the day. Do a few quick yoga poses, basic stretching or partner stretching, but wake your body up and don't just sit all day. 

10. Go for a biker ride!


11. Get 8-hours of sleep. Ample sleep is such an important way to keep your immunity up.

12. Get your glow on. Do a face mask. Two of my favorite are here and here!

13. Challenge yourself to drink eight glasses of water every day this week. Add some detoxifying lemon to give yourself more of a health boost!

14. Take a stress free and relaxing bath. My favorite bath kit are here!

15. Give meditation a go with an app like Headspace or Simple Habit.

16. Take a social media and phone break and connect with your friends and family through FaceTime and talk about how you are feeling.

17. Deep give into a good read or a personal development book. 

18. Create a bucket list or a goal list of everything you want to see, do, accomplish this year! 

19. Do a daily gratitude journal. Write down 5 things every day you are grateful for and recognize all the amazing things happening in your life right now. 

20. Check out Brené Brown’s Netflix special and share it with someone who could use a little encouragement.

21. Buy flowers or a plant to have some living and fresh in your house while you are home. 

22. Light your favorite candle so your house smells warm and welcoming! 


23. Sort through your closet and donate the things that you no longer wear or need. My rule is if I haven't worn or used it in 6-months in needs to go.

24. Hang that piece of art that’s been propped against your wall for months.

25. Organize and back up your digital photos.

26. Write any thank you notes you’ve been meaning to get too.

27 Order gifts for upcoming weddings, bridal showers, baby showers, etc.

28. Delete apps and photos off your phone. 

29. Use unroll.me to unsubscribe from unwanted email newsletters.

30. Clean out your basement and sell items your no longer need.


31. Pop some popcorn, grab some blankets and have a movie night! 

32. Dust off those old board games and have a  game night. 

33. Work on a puzzle. 

34. Watch Cheer on Netflix's. Jerry's mat talk is needed now more than ever! 

35. Brainstorm future decorating ideas and how you can spruce up your house this year. 

If you have ideas you would like to share and add to the list, send me an email! But know I am sending you all my love and support as we navigate through this uncertain time! 

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