
Rug old from Home Goods; Coffee Table; Slippers Ugg

Rug old from Home Goods; Coffee Table; Slippers Ugg

Happy Thursday! 

What an interesting week it has been. Thinking back to last Thursday and all that has changed in just a week is nuts. My husband and I are both working from home and figuring out our new 'normal' and it has been...interesting. We have made sure to check-in with each other and ask how the other is doing. Not a 'hey, how was your day?' but more of 'hey, how are you feeling? are you doing okay? how's your mental state?". So let me ask, how are you doing? Are you making sure to take care of yourself with extra love right now? I hope so! And if not and you need an outlet, I'm happy to offer a single 1:1 session for you so we can get through this together. 

So let's get to the fun stuff. With all the heavy news out there and life basically shutting down right now, I wanted to share a "lately" email with you all to share with you what I am up to and a few of my favorite things right now. Keeping it light and positive and I hope you enjoy! 

I have never been one to like talking on the phone, but I am totally into the FaceTime and having a 'hangout'. It is nice to be able to see loved ones faces and pretend we are together. We have even done a few after work "happy hours" to try and keep things semi-normal. If you don't know how to add multiple people to your FaceTime call, just swipe up and hit 'add'. All I can say is thank goodness for technology. 

Peloton Bike + App 
I had been eyeing the Peloton Bike ever since it came out a few years ago. I put it on my vision board but never had the gusto to pull the trigger on this investment. Right after the holiday's I decided it was time and gifted myself the bike and app, my husband thought it was going to be a fancy coat rack. Well jokes on him because I cannot express to you how much I LOVE both. The app provides cycling, running, yoga and strength training classes and it truly has been our saving grace this week to help us stay active, even in our house! Also, you can sign-up for the app without the bike or their equipment. The app has a monthly fee and it doesn't break the bank. You can also add a few different profiles/users to it for that one fee. How awesome is that?

Vitamins and Supplements 
I have been working on a vitamin brand at work so I have gone deep into vitamin and supplement research and see what all is out there. I have tried a few different vitamins and supplements and I can say I feel better and more balanced. I have been taking Vitamin D-3 and just purchased this balanced body kit from Love Wellness! (Please check with your Dr if you have questions.) 

Comfortable Loungewear
Since we are stuck at home I want to be comfortable while I work, but still look professional for all those video conference calls. I work in. casual environment already but still want to put my best foot forward. Just purchased this Lake set to bring some brightness back into my daily routine. Nordstrom, Target and Fabletics are all placed I buy loungewear, but Lake just has a polished look to it. 

I read one fiction and one personal development book a month. Right now the fiction book I am reading is Modern Lovers by Emma Straub and the personal development book is Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo. 

Nachos! We have been making 'healthier' nachos for lunch lately. We use Siete Chips, ground turkey with taco seasoning, Organic Valley Cheese or Siete Cashew Queso, romaine lettuce, pico and cut up avocado. It's fun and easy to make and so versatile pending your mood. 

Stay healthy!!