Health & Wellness: Beauty & Skincare Edition

BeautyCounter mask old but similar here; J-Crew Pajamas

BeautyCounter mask old but similar here; J-Crew Pajamas

Thought we would talk about something a little different today and dig into health and wellness in relation to beauty and skincare. #selfcare

Most of the time when we think about health and wellness we think diet and exercise when we truly need to be thinking about it from a holistic mindset. Everything we do affects out overall health and wellness. Our work life, our social life, our home life, the things we put in our bodies, the things we put on our bodies and most importantly how we treat ourselves all plays a role in our health and wellness. 

About four years ago I focused my New Year's resolution on taking better care of myself. It was not about diet and exercise, but more about my overall health and wellness and focusing on my skin and beauty routine. This is when I started digging into clean beauty and understanding exactly what I was putting on my skin and working with my amazing facial-ist on what I should be doing to combat the pesky wrinkles that were starting to pop up. Also, kick in when Ben and I got engaged and I became even more regimented with my routine. 

Today I am going to share what I have been doing in terms of all things beauty, skincare, and overall wellness. 

Make Sure to Go to the Dr for All Your Wellness Checks 
I sit down for 20 minutes at the beginning of the year with my calendar and call all my Dr's to make my appointments. The annual appointments I make are for my Primary Care Physician, my Gynecologist, my Dentist, my Eye Dr and my Dermatologist. For me this is the baseline of my health and wellness and I want to make sure things are good! 

Pay Attention to Your Body 
Make sure to take inventory about what you see (new marks) or how your skin is reacting to what you ingest and what you place on your skin. This way you can adjust foods, lotions, etc and see how it impacts your body. Additionally, I have never been that great at putting lotion all over my body but when it came time to prepare for my wedding I became religious with moisturizing head to toe. It became super routing for me and now it's part of my morning and nightly routing. I mostly use coconut oil to moisturize but also have a few clean lotions on hand too if I want a fragrance. 

Collagen Peptides
The collagen hype is a few years old now but I truly believe in it. I primarily take it because I believe it helps dramatically with my joint pain (bad knees run in my family. But on top of that, I love the added 18g of protein that you get from one serving. It's an easy way to get in extra protein so I usually place in my coffee in the morning or place a scoop into my morning smoothie. Collagen also is beneficial for your nails, skin and hair and I truly see a difference when I add this to my diet. Vital Proteins in the brand I buy and they have powders, single packs and coffee creamers. I'm here for it! 

Invest in a Great Facial-ist
I get a fascial every 6-weeks no matter what. My favorite thing to do is derma plane plus and oxygen facial. When we derma plane she is basically shaving my face and removing all the dead skin cells. It can also help reduce brown age spots. This process also reinvigorates deeper levels of the skin layer and can help produce collagen in the face leaving me looking bright, fresh and younger. The oxygen facial surges hydration into my skin and boy do you glow for days afterwards.  Implementing this into my routine has been the biggest game change for my skin and staying ahead of aging. 

Know What is In Your Make-up
I have slowly switched all my make-up products over to clean beauty makeup products and am always researching new brands. BeautyCounter is my favorite along with RMS and I have seen a difference in how my face reacts to makeup. I wear very light makeup and try not to wear any on the weekends to allow my skin to breath. Because I do get a facial often it leaves my skin looking great that I don't need a ton of makeup. 

Wash Your Face in the Evening
I wash my face in the morning and evening. I used to be terrible at sleeping with my make-up on but washing my face at night and putting on my overnight moisturizer has been a game changer. It gets all the dirt off, allows my skin to breath and nourish itself as I sleep. My favorite face wash, moisturizer, eye cream and serum is from Youth of the People at Sephora. 

Wear Sunscreen Daily
BeautyCounter has a great daily sunscreen but I also buy their dewy tinted moisturizer with SPF25 for daily coverage. I don't hide from the sun but I do make sure I am protected. I do not spray tan or go to the tanning bed as I try to stay as natural as possible. 

A few other simple things I do to keep myself in tip top shape: 

  • I get a fresh manicure every 3-weeks and found a salon that offers organic and vegan nail polishes. 

  • I bought a silk pillow case to help combat wrinkles and keep my hair healthy at night. No more random pillow case creases on my skin in the morning! 

  • I drink a TON of water. Keeps me hydrated inside and out. 

  • I'm a regular at the float spa. The salt bath pulls out toxins and helps joint/muscle pain so I try to go ever few months. 

  • Get enough sleep! 

My biggest piece of advice is to invest in the things that you think will make the biggest impact when it comes to your skin and beauty routine that will make you feel radiant and glowing.