Cheers to 35!

Today is my 35th birthday.

And I would be lying if I didn’t admit to feeling a little lump in the back of my throat. As much as I am excited to celebrate my day and another year, I am also a little in shock at the fact I am turning 35.

I think back to last years birthday and the life experiences my 34th year brought me and all I can think about is how grateful I am I have made it to 35. That might sound dramatic to some, but my 34th year brought me the year life as I knew it got thrown up in the air and I’m still walking through the dust clouds working hard to help finally settle it.

My plans, goals, and what I thought was going to occur was all erased.

Twelves years of climbing the career ladder came to a screeching halt.

Exploring new cities and cultures with loved ones cancelled.

The ability to hug friends and family taken away for far too long.

The clash of the ‘what I should do’ vs. the ‘what I want to do’ titans commenced.

The burning desire of a dream ignited full force as ‘one day’ became ‘today’.

I can honestly say, this year truly has brought me to my knees more than once.

The challenges have almost been paralyzing but I somehow continue to find the strength to push through.

The risks made my heart beat out of my chest to a level where I thought I might throw up, but I don’t.

The thoughts of not being guaranteed a wanted outcome create a constant storm of stress and frustration I somehow continue to tame.

But in all the chaos, challenge and tears, I have experienced massive growth and am stepping more and more into my authentic self.

This year was my wakeup call that life is short, you should never settle and when you do settle the universe will course correct you….HARD.

Yes, for a long while this year I thought the universe was against me.

Kicking me down and leaving me stressed out, feeling sad and in a panic.

And believe me, I let myself feel it and feel every ounce of it.

But I needed to breakdown in order to build back up even better than ever.

And that’s exactly what I am doing and will continue to do.

This year might have taken a lot from me, but it also has brought me so much more.

I look back and am amazed at everything that has come into my life even in the shit storm that is occurring.

I committed, invested and am going full throttle in my coaching business and life.

I’ve been brave enough to go against the should and do what is in alignment with my dreams.

I always knew but have truly realized the unconditional support of a family, husband and friends who are cheering me on and want to see me succeed.

I’ve embraced the challenge and am learning to love the process through it.

I’m learning to really trust myself and the decisions I make.

I’m feeling more and more comfortable in my own skin (and being).

Yes, change is hard and change is scary, especially when we are not choosing the change, but as I sit here writing this post and look back on all the change that has occurred, I truly am grateful for it and where I am today.

I usher in my 35th year (lump in throat and all) with an open heart and open arms. I know it will be full of challenge, but I also believe it will be full of celebration.

34 might have brought me to my knees, but 35 will bring me back to my feet and walking into the direction of where I am meant to go.

Cheers to 35. Let’s do this!

PersonalKristen Kunk