Stop Committing to a Quick Fix and Start Committing to You

I was going through old newsletters and stumbled upon this one and the message still fully resonates with and in my heart. It is important lesson to learn as you cultivate a healthy and balanced mindset diet free in your own life. The lesson to end the quick fix chase and chose to live based on what YOU want, what is best for YOU based on YOUR own needs.

"Yesterday I did a quick at-home workout and the instructor opened with… 
“What would happen if you committed to something for 30 days? 30 days of eating “right”? 30 days of workout?”
At the end of the workout I was standing there dripping is sweat, still thinking to myself what the instructor said at the beginning and thought to myself, why couldn’t she say…
“What if you committed to yourself to only do things that made you feel amazing, confident and your best, because you’re worth at least that much?”
I think what irked me so much was the fact that she automatically tied happiness to working out and dieting for a set amount of time that made me side eye my computer real hard.
In today’s diet culture everything is based on some fictional end date. You are sold the idea that in X days if you follow X meal and workout plan you will finally be happy and become the person you have always dreamt of being and never go back.
We believe so deeply that if we follow the plan and make it to that date all our problems will be solved and we can finally enjoy life again.
But guess what? That isn’t true. You know it. I know it. It’s not true at all.
When it comes to your health and wellness there is no quick fix and there is no end date.
I repeat, no end date!
You have to commit to yourself every day that you are worth feeling amazing, confident and our best.
You need to learn how to fit pizza, salads, ice cream and veggies into your everyday so you don’t feel deprived but feel satisfied.
You need to learn how to listen to your body and nourish it in a respectful way.
You need to learn how to enjoy movement in your body and not look at working out as punishment for the things you eat.
You need to learn how to look at food as neutral and not as something you can’t have.
When I went on my first diet many moons ago it worked, and I lost 60 pounds. But all I ate were prepackaged meals, portioned out in perfect little sizes and guess what? I never learned how to cook, I never learned how to identify foods that made me feel great and I never learned how to properly eat and only felt safe eating those prepackaged and proportioned meals. When I finally stopped eating the meals, I gained some of the weight back and was right back to square one.
And so began the years of yo-yo dieting until I decided no more.
There had to be a better way to live and there was and there is for you!
It’s time to claim freedom in food, exercise and all the things that drive you to restrict, starve and panic when Monday rolls around making you think you need to start another diet.
It’s time to commit to yourself to finally break up with diets and feel amazing and confident in who you are because you are worth at least that.
So I ask you now…
Are you ready to commit to yourself and only do things that make you feel amazing, confident and your best because you know you're worth at least that much that?”

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