30 Minutes of Movement Is My Daily Non-Negotiable

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30 minutes of movement each day is what I have promised myself while we stay home. Consider it my choice for self-care or my “me time” to keep me in a good head space. I set boundaries with my husband and he know it is a non-negotiable for me right now. Yes, we do go for our daily walks but I put that in the non-negotiable husband/wife quality time bucket.

So for me the 30 minutes can be anything from running, cycling, strength training, yoga, dancing, etc. As long as I am moving - slow, flow, 8 counts or fast - I know I have prioritized myself, gave myself some self-care/love and will be a better woman for it.

I know for me following an intuitive eating lifestyle, reshaping my relationship with movement is always in flux. Moving from a “i have to exercise to lose weight, burn off the cake, look good in my clothes, [insert your reason]” to a “I want to be active because it feels good, I’m energized, it’s an emotional release, and it makes me smile” mind set takes work. The shift doesn’t happen overnight, but when you view movement from a mindset of “it feels good” vs. “I’m punishing myself” movement becomes so much more fun!

As I shared here, I’m currently in love with the Peloton App. It offers so many options between workouts, music, instructions, duration and more. Plus I love being able to virtually workout with my friends - bonus! I mix it up daily which always keeps it mentally interesting and I can tune into what my body is requesting for the day.

Note: Your body will tell you what it wants in regards to movement. When you feel like cement when moving, adjust to something that feels more in tune with what you need. All you have to do is listen! Don’t push to finish the workout and hate every minute of it - adjust! Try something new and see how you feel. It will be such a better experience and you will love movement that much more.

I’m always listening to what my body wants and right now it wants to dance, make shapes and release all the stagnant energy. I decided to try something new and out-of-the-box the other day and I ended up loving it.

I turned on a 15-minute Kinrgy dance flow from Julianne Hough. If any of you have watched Julianne promote Kinrgy then you know form the outside it looks super weird. So of course, I needed to try it. The 15-minutes included dance movement to the 4 elements - earth, fire, water, air. We did did yoga breath work releasing the stagnant energy and felt in release from our bodies and melt into the ground. Besides it being fun, it was such an emotional release and I felt so much lighter afterwards. It was such a positive experience and my body responded in such a loving and caring way I have done the same 15-minute dance flow every night for the past few days. I could not recommend it more! Especially if you’re stuck and struggling, this dance flow will get you moving forward again. The flow I am doing is on Kinrgy’s IG TV.

With that said, I challenge you to create a non-negotiable this week with 30-minutes of movement - dance, walk, running, yoga - and see what brings both you and your body joy.

Have fun and good luck!