

Happy Friday! How was everyone’s week? Ben and I made it through ours with only a few “when is this going to be over” meltdowns. Still having my virtual happy hours with friends and making sure to stay connected with loved ones, which at this point is everything to me. I miss seeing everyone in-person and am looking forward to the days when I can hug everyone again.

What are you most looking forward to doing once you can leave your house?

Here is what’s been happening lately!

Supporting Local: Our hearts still break for all the local restaurants we love and miss eating at, but are trying to support local as best we can. We have been getting take out about twice a week and leave good tip each time. We love our local wing place, Roosters, and do wing Wednesday’s and Saturday night we choose something new each week. It’s our way to support and give back to our community while also mixing things up. How are you supporting your community?

Skincare: Because we are home, I have been taking extra care of my skin. I have been religiously using this oil in the morning and at night to ensure extra moisture is getting into my skin because the dry air in our house is wrecking havoc on it. I have been using it for a few years now and love it! I also got this avocado oil moisturizer for Christmas and use it daily all over (thanks mom!). It smells really good and doesn’t leave a film or feel heavy. Super light and soaks right in!

Wearing: Still all about loungewear for me right now but I got fancy the other day and paired a pair of joggers with a cashmere sweater and my ‘professional’ looking slippers. It was a nice step up from wearing more a sweat suit look. I’m trying to be creative with my loungewear and step up my game from sloppy to stylish.

Reading: I have been reading a lot of articles about the impact of the coronavirus has had on us as consumers and what the impact will be on our attitudes, behaviors and lifestyle when we start to step into a post-coronavirus world. It’s been such an eye opener to see how things are being predicted to change and how us going back to normal will actually be another new normal. Super interesting to say the least.

Listening: I’ve been doing more and more yoga recently and created a playlist on Spotify called…you guessed it…yoga. I have also been listening to it while I work because it goes between super zen too easy listening. Music has been a huge mood booster for me so check in out, my user name is Kristen Elizabeth, because I’m always adding new songs.

Watching: I am a big Bravo fans in this household and two of my favorite housewives seasons have started. We love the ladies of Beverly Hills and New York. They are super entertaining to watch, their style is super on point and I love how they all are actually friends. I think the story line and feelings are so much more real which makes me get even more invested. Overall, it is mindless TV, but such a welcome distraction.

Don’t miss out this past week’s posts: