6 Ways to Spark Joy During Quarantine

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Let’s be real for a second, take a deep breath together, and all admit this quarantine business has not been easy. Nope, not easy at all. It’s been extremely challenging and everyone is struggling in their own way.

Whether you have lost your job, are working full time plus parenting full time, nervous about what the next day is going to bring, or even being worried someone you love might be exposed to the virus because of their job, this whole situation is stressful, high anxiety, frustrating, sad, scary, and not natural.

I too feel down in the dumps and glass half empty some days but then there are other days where joy gets sparked and I feel hopeful. It’s during these times I try to pause and take in that feeling because currently it feels far and few between.

Each day feels like groundhogs day with no ability to make it change. But the thing is, we can make little changes to bring even the smallest bit of joy back into our lives. It might look different than a wanderlust travel adventure or a celebratory meal out with friends, but that’s part of the fun. Discovering all the new little things we forgot about that can spark joy in us.

Since we have is time, we can try to find at least a moment for joy and positivity each day. This will allow your mind and body to feel something pleasant and not just fall down the anxiety spiral. So remember, you got this and allow these feelings to be your little reminder.

6 ways to spark joy:

DANCE: Dance like no one is watching or dance like everyone is watching. Learn a new Tik Tok routine or channel your inner Queen B, but move your body and dance. The moment you start I promise you will feel immediately better and most likely start laughing. Nothing is better than a quick 2 minute dance party in the kitchen while you are making dinner to make you smile and feel emotionally lighter.

TAKE A BREAK FROM THE NEWS: Seriously, take a break. Yes, everything on the news right now is important but it is also extremely stress inducing. Enjoy a day with positive news and content that aligns with your interests and hobbies.

DRESS UP: Right now people are swearing by the importance of getting dressed for the day and wearing actual pants. I say take it one step further and dress up like it’s Friday night. Wear something a little more special. Something that boosts your confidence and puts some spark back into your step. Sweats are great, but feeling pretty and a little extra special right now is spectacular.

WRITE DOWN THE THINGS THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY (GRATITUDE): I am a big believer in gratitude. It’s the twinkling stars in a dark sky. It is so important to remind ourselves of the things that make us happy and realize those things are still happening every day. When we can see all the good that is happening around us on a daily basis, we step into a more positive mindset and experience more joy.

BE YOUR BIGGEST CHEERLEADER: Start the day out on a positive note and smile at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning and remind yourself “you got this”. Remember, you have control over how your day unfolds, so let’s make it a positive one.

CONNECT WITH A FRIEND: Reach out to a friend and connect. Not just a quick text but a FaceTime call. Human connection and not feeling along is so important. When we are able to feel supported and open up and express ourselves we automatically feel better, lighter and like we can conquer anything.
