
Kristen Kunk Blog Lately.jpg

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a great week! We woke up to the sun shinning today and I’m here for it. We are now 3ish week’s into staying in place and this week has been a rollercoaster of emotions and figuring out how to continually manage ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally.

The biggest thing I miss right now is being able to hug my friends and family. I think my husband is tired of me making him stand in the kitchen and just hold me, but for me, physical connection like a warm hugs is the medicine I need right now. You too?

So I’m thinking of leaning more into these “lately” posts are needed so we can check in with each other and think about things besides what we see on the news daily.

Here is what I’ve been up to this week to keep my mind, body and emotions positive:

Virtual Happy Hours: These are so fun! I have done happy hour with my college roommates, our Columbus crew, bookclub and more. Even though we are bobble heads on Skype, it is so nice to see everyone’s faces, laugh, tell stories and be in this together.

Reading: Maybe I am late to the game, but I had seen this book all over Instagram so decided to order myself a copy. Its Untamed by Glennon Doyle and I love that it is about finding joy and peace when we stop caring about what other’s think and embrace our own voice and dreams. Yes PLEASE!

Wearing: I bought a new loungewear set because that seems to be all I am wearing these days. I had not really purchased anything from Fabletics lately, but their new collection this month featured an eco-friendly loungewear set so I decided to try it out. It is made from recycled materials and is considered sustainable clothing which i love.

Beauty: For some reason I have been waking up with extremely puffy eye. I bought an Ice Roller to help de-puff my face in the morning. I’m waiting for it be delivered but a few of my favorite bloggers use it and love it. Cannot wait to try!

Candles: We have been burning so many candles lately. I love the light candles give off, makes me feel warm and calm, plus the scents are so delicious. This is my favorite candle! Smells so good and I love that it is coconut wax and is a cleaner option.

Eating: I love these Emmy’s Organic cookies. We keep these on hand if we need a sweet treat at night. They are made of coconut and dark chocolate and boy do they hit the spot.

Hope some of these things can bring you joy and relief right now too. Here was my last Lately post for more inspiration!