Do You Give Yourself Unconditional Permission to Eat?


When you read the phrase "unconditional permission to eat" how do you feel?

Do you give yourself unconditional permission to eat your favorite food?

Do you believe your body is smart enough to tell you what you it needs?

Do food rules sneak in and hold you back from unconditional permission?

Does fear sneak in and tell you if you give yourself unconditional permission you will lose all control around food and gain weight?

If you said yes to the above that’s okay, but know you can provide yourself with the permission to eat the foods you crave.

You have been bombarded with messages daily that have to you to limit your portions, eat this not that, this is bad but this is good, diets are the solution, being X size is acceptable, and so many more that we have placed all the power in a "plan" to tell us what is okay to eat.

When you go against everything you have been taught by diet culture fear creeps in. 

But when you start to trust your body instead of the made up food rules, you start to take the power away from diets and bring it back into you telling your body you trust it and are listening.

Yes, you might eat more food at first because you are learning about your hunger and fullness cues and learning to trust yourself. Remember, you stopped listening your body  for so long believing you had to follow a certain meal plan that you are learning to speak a new language. This new language of being the language of you.

But as time passes and you give yourself the unconditional permission to eat all foods, the foods you had labeled “bad” will start to become neutral because you are not denying yourself anymore. 

Eventually you strengthen your connection with your body and understand what makes it feel good and what makes it feel not so good in order to function optimally. 

I don’t ‘stay away’ from specific foods anymore and enjoy each meal to the fullest (especially taco night with my husband) because I know there is room for all foods in my life.

There is no one perfect healthy diet, because what is healthy for me is different than what is health for you. It’s about you listening, understanding and connecting with your body and giving yourself the unconditional permission to eat the foods that feel good for you.

This is what we call food freedom and it’s an amazing place to live! 

This week give yourself permission to eat your favorite food. Reminder yourself it is not good or bad, just neutral. See how much you eat of it, how it makes you feel, if you crave it more or less.