What Would Happen To You If You Threw Your Scale Out?

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If you follow me on Instagram then you saw my story about my non-planned meet-up with the scale yesterday, but I believe the message of this story to be super important so I wanted to share it in your in-box today. 

A little over a year ago I kicked my scale to the curb so I could continue to tune into my body and understand it's needs vs thinking I needed to be some magical weight.

I decided it was important for me to step away from weighing myself as a measure of my health because it was causing really unhealthy tendencies in my life.

I would weigh myself every single day, the moment I woke up, to ensure I was not fluctuating or gaining even a pound. 

If the number did move even an ounce I would immediately go into restrict and exercise mode to make sure I got back down to the magical number. 

My life was ruled by this number with an even deeper desire for it to always be five pounds less. 

It deeply impacted my mental and emotional health and it impacted how I showed up in the world. 

So yesterday I needed to go to the Dr because I had been experiencing vertigo symptoms the past few days and I wanted to ensure it was not anything more serious. It's not, just vertigo (phew).  

For background, when I walked into the Dr's office I needed to use the ladies room, but since I was not sure of all the new COVID rules in place, I decided to hold it. 

So when the nurse asked to take my weight it caught me off guard since this wasn't my annual physical.

I briefly thought 'crap I didn't use the ladies room and have a bladder full of pee'. (Note: diet version me would always use the bathroom before a weigh in to ensure all extra 'weight' was out of me before I stood on that scale. Can you relate?)

Then I thought, 'oh well, who cares it's just the scale'. 

I stood on the scale. Looked at the number. Said okay and left it at that. 

The dieting version of me would have freaked out by the number (well, any number really). 

The dieting version of me would have told myself I had a bladder full of pee so take away a pound. 

The dieting version of me would have allowed the number to determine the rest of my day. 

The dieting version of me would have said negative things to myself and made me feel shameful. 

The dieting version of me would have made promises of starting a new diet Monday, to try harder tomorrow, and eat a salad for dinner. 

But, the intuitive version of me let the number just be a number. 

The intuitive version of me knew this number was maintained weight, my set point. 

The intuitive version of me knew this number didn't get to decide my worth. 

The intuitive version of me knew it was jut a number and didn't get to impact my day. 

The intuitive version of me knew I love where I am in my life today, my relationship with my body and health, and that those feelings are more important than standing on a scale with a bladder full of pee talking mean things to myself. 

Knowing I walked away from the scale in a neutral state of mind was LIBERATING. 

This is what I refer to as freedom. 

Freedom from diets. 

Freedom from the scale. 

Freedom from your size determining your worth. 

This neutral mindset is...

confidence boosting,

produces a positive body image,

creates food freedom, 

and allows you to a full and thriving life. 

This is what I want for YOU too!

It is possible for YOU. 

You are capable of creating this type of freedom in your life. 

So today I ask you, what would happen to you and your life if you threw your scale out?

I'm thinking something extremely positive and amazing. :)