Are You Okay Just Being...Fine?


The other day I was sharing my story and how I got into coaching for a 'Her Story' feature over on The Beauty Boost's blog. It's always fun for me to look back on my own health journey and ground back into my coaching 'why'. 

My loopback took me to spring 2014. I had been going through a transitional time in my life and was completely in a quarter life crisis. I remember having a conversation with my dad and he simply asked me, "what do you want to do with your life?".

I sat there for a few moments, and through tears and extreme amounts of frustration, I blurted out...

"I just want to help other women not struggle with their weight, body confidence and worth like I have for so long." 

I have such a passion for women understanding they are worth more than their size and weight, and that they are worth saying yes to their dreams. 

I know it's easier to say you are fine. 

I know it's easier to say you are okay. 

I know it's easier to tolerate what is comfortable. 

But I also know you have goals, dreams and ambitions that you are holding yourself back from achieving because you think you are fine. 

Let me tell you something, if you think you are fine, you are not fine. I

know you are sitting there wanting something more for yourself. 

I know you are sitting there wishing things were different. 

I know you are sitting there thinking "when you fix X, you can be y". 

This is not living.

This is not being present.

This is not you honoring your worth. 

This is you being...fine. 

Don't believe me? Then, let's keep going. 

I have been reading Mel Robbins "Stop Saying You're Fine" and this passage struck me and is a great example of how we tolerate fine in order to keep ourselves small. 

"A women called my radio show recently, and she wanted help losing sixty pounds. When I pressed her, she admitted that the number was closer to one hundred pounds. When I pressed her further, she admitted that it's been an issue for years and then revealed her inner reason for why she hadn't felt motivated. Until now. 'Well, you know. It's not that big of a deal. That's why I haven't done anything. It's not like I have three hundred pounds to lose.' She had convinced herself that it wasn't that bad. But it was bad. She beat herself up about her weight every day. She hated looking in the mirror. Hated shopping for clothes and felt horrible about her declining health. It was bad. 

Everyone does this. We are all stuck in some area of our life, pretending it's not that bad so we can justify doing nothing. You do it, too. You persuade yourself that things are not that bad because you don't want to have to change. You also minimize the situation whey you don't know how to change something. Ironically, the more trapped you feel by your life, the more you'll convince yourself it's okay. 

When you finally cut the baloney and admit, you'll be faced with the sobering reality of how much work is in front of you. That why the caller who was one hundred pounds overweight couldn't tell the truth that a hundred pounds was a lot. That amount actually scared her. She couldn't bring herself to say that she was shocked that it had climbed that high and felt terribly discouraged. It was so much easier to pretend that she's not 'that' fat and do nothing. This is a classic move. When you are afraid, it's easier to convince yourself to do nothing than to deal with the thought of failing again.

We don't want to tell the truth because lying to ourselves and justifying inaction is the only way we can avoid having to face the fear of taking a risk."

Hot dang! 

After this passage, a few pages later I was hit with...

"Resistance is about never living in the moment."

Double hot dang!

When you are fine, it means you let fear make all our decisions. 

When you are fine, it means you would rather be a victim than a powerful, badass woman. 

When you are fine, it means you don't believe you are worth making a change. 

When you are fine, it means your goals are not worth achieving. 

When you are fine, it means you're not living your life and are stuck waiting for it to start (plot twist: your life has started and happening without you). 

Today I ask you, are you okay just being fine? 

Or do you want to be the powerful, badass person I know you are?

It's your choice! 

Looking to jumpstart your health & wellbeing purchase my 'How to Create Wellbeing in 10 Days' eBook and start stepping towards your health & wellbeing goals today! 

BOOK A CALL: If you are desiring to live a healthier, more intuitive lifestyle and want to improve your body image, I invite you to sign-up for a FREE discovery call with me; no strings attached. We can talk through your goals and see if 1:1 coaching is right for you!