Did You Know Life Only Guarantees You Three Days?

Kristen Kunk Health Coach.JPG

Today while I was enjoying my morning cup of coffee and watching Tom Hanks on the Today Show, he said something in his interview that caught my attention and I wanted to share with you. 

He said, "all life can guarantee is three days".

Yesterday as the past to learn from.
Today as the present in order to take action to be better than yesterday. 
Tomorrow as the future and to hope for even better. 

What he said was profound, but then again, it was Tom Hanks and he's a super wise man.

So today, I share with you his message. The message that we are only guaranteed yesterday, today and the hope of tomorrow. 

If you have been part of this community for awhile, then you know why his message was important to me.

I believe in the importance of taking action. 

I believe in the importance of going after your goals. 

I believe in the importance of no longer waiting and wishing for life to get better. 

But most importantly, I believe every woman should claim their worth and feel empowered to live a confident and carefree life free from diets, cultural should’s and other people’s opinions.

All you have is yesterday to learn from, today to chose to be the best version of yourself, and the hope of tomorrow that you can continue to make your goals your reality. 

I remember spending years, and I means years, wishing to finally be happy and not worry about my body. 

I remember wanting to be confident in who I am and not worry about what others thought of me. 

I remember crying that nothing would ever change and I would just always be miserable. 

However, the moment I was super honest with myself and realizing the only reason I was not where or who. I wanted to be was because I was choosing to stay stuck. 

Being stuck was safe and comfortable. 

Being stuck I knew how to live with. 

Being stuck meant I was afraid.

Being stuck meant I didn't fail. 

But the thing is, I was failing myself because I stayed stuck. 

When you decide to take action you decide you are worth more than being stuck. 

You are worth being the best version of you. 

You are worth living an amazing and thriving life on your terms. 

So if there is one thing you do today, choose you!

Take one small baby step towards the want or wish you think about day and night. 

Remember, all you have is what you learned yesterday, chose toady and hope for tomorrow. 

P.S.: Looking to jumpstart your health & wellbeing purchase my 'How to Create Wellbeing in 10 Days' eBook and start stepping towards your health & wellbeing goals today! 

P.P.S.: BOOK A CALL: If you are desiring to live a healthier, more intuitive lifestyle and want to improve your body image, I invite you to sign-up for a FREE discovery call with me; no strings attached. We can talk through your goals and see if 1:1 coaching is right for you!