7 Books to Read to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Your Body and Reclaim Your Worth

Over the years, I have read many books which have helped me heal my relationship with food, my body and my self-worth. I spent years and years putting so much pressure on my food choices and wanting my body to look a certain way all because I didn’t feel enough- good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough, cool enough, [insert all the feelings here] - based on my need to fit in and not stand out or have other people validate my worth because my own validation wasn’t enough and because of this my self-worth deeply suffered.

I’ve spent time healing, learning, understanding and shifting my own mindset and views on my worth and love working with others to heal as well. Today I am sharing a few of the books that helped me start to understand I wasn’t the problem that needed fixing and helped me repair and rebuild my relationships with food, my body and myself. I hope they spark for you the same courage and ah-ha’s they sparked for me so you can live a healthier, more nourishing and fuller life.

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Health at Every Size: A great book to understand what health at every size actually means, how weight loss isn’t the benefit but true health actually is when you start living in a more intuitive way.

Intuitive Eating: If you are at the beginning of your healing journey and starting to learn about intuitive eating/living, this is the book I highly recommend you start with. It gives you a great understanding of the 10 Intuitive Eating principals and how you can slowly start to implement these principals into your life.

The F**k It Diet

Anti-Diet: This books is a deep dive into our historical and current cultural landscape and the impact it has on how we view our bodies, the billion dollar dieting industry and why you believe you are the problem that needs fixing. A very eye opening and enlightening read.

The Goddess Revolution: This was the first book I ever read that spoke to making peace with food, healing my body image and reclaiming my life. I LOVED this book, Mel’s own personal journey and the impact following her intuition had on her life. This book made believe if Mel could fully embrace who she was inside and out, I could do it too. This book set me on the journey I am now on!

More Than A body: I watched Lindsey and Lexi’s Ted Talk and when I heard their quote about our body’s are instruments and not ornaments my mouth literally fell open and a light bulb went off for me. Chelsea Clinton’s quote on the cover sums this book up perfectly: "An indispensable resource for women of all ages, this is a guide to help us better connect to ourselves, to value ourselves, to love ourselves, and ultimately, to be ourselves." Backed in research, this book is a must read.

More Than Enough: If you have ever felt as though you are not worthy or never enough, do yourself a favor and read this book asap. You can read the fan girl IG letter I wrote to Elaine here expressing how powerful this book was for me.

There are so many more books out there, but these are for sure my favorite (thus far).