Nine Ways You Can Naturally Let Go of Stress and Boost Your Health and Wellbeing

A huge part of creating wellbeing in your life and taking care of you is understanding how everything in your life is connected. How the foods you eat, the activities you take part in, the relationships you have, your job, etc can all be indicators and impact your overall health, wellbeing and self-worth.

As we entered into the new year and wanting to get ahead of the winter-lows, I took a moment to step back and take inventory of every aspect of my life. What areas were positive, what areas were not where I wanted them to be, where did I need to make boundaries, how did I want my year to shape, and more. I realized there were more than a few areas I wanted to work on and adjust to make more positive and productive in my life. I had also realized I was holding onto a lot of stress and anxiety I needed to let go of as well. So I started making small changes and can honestly say I am feeling so much better!

Here are the nine ways I have natually let go of stress and anxiety and boosted my health and wellbeing over the last month and you can easily implement too.


I’m a huge believer you start your next day the night before. It’s important to get plenty of sleep as this plays a vital role in your mental, physical and emotional health. When you sleep your body takes the time it needs to fully rest and repair itself so you can function at optimal health. if you’re experiencing trouble sleeping at night, take time to reflect on your daily practices such as caffeine intake, amount of exercise you’re getting, or foods you may be eating that can affect your sleep, and start to implement a nightly routine where you turn off all screen 60 minutes before bed and allow your body to naturally go into sleep mode.


I have started waking up earlier, to my husbands dismay, to give myself some quiet time in the morning. I set a daily intention, express gratitude and have a moment to myself through journaling, reading or some very light stretching (sometimes all of the above). While I do this, I drink 32oz of water to help clean out the system while I wait for my beloved morning coffee to brew. I also make a point to avoid my phone for 30 minutes after I wake up (super hard at first) and it has tremendously reduced my stress and anxiety levels for the day. Also, when my husband awakes I make sure to make the bed daily now.


I started (again) taking good quality vitamins and supplements to ensure I am getting all the nutrients I need (Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, omega-3, biotin, etc). I wanted to make sure I was fueling my body with the vitamins and supplements it needs to be healthy, sharp and strong. I have seen a positive impact of my mood which is so important this time of year (hello winter-lows). I have implemented this, this and this.


I have significantly reduced my screen time. After a social media break I only allow myself to be on social media for up to 30 minutes a day and then monitor how much I am on my phone (emails, texts, etc) throughout the day. I leave my phone on the charger and in another room a lot now and it honestly has made me more present in my daily life and reduced the comparison syndrome as well. If anything, I recommend a social media detox every few months.


Keeping up with your friends and family is so beneficial for your health and wellbeing. I have been making sure to connect with a friend or family member daily. I’ve also made a conscious choice to be super open and honest about my own mental health so I can let go, understand and process outside of myself because holding onto my stress and anxiety and dealing with it alone only created more stress and anxiety. So start leaning into your support system.


We all know how important it is to move your body and exercise regularly, but now I’m actually doing moving. Studies show that the increase of your heart rate pumps more oxygen to the brain to increase brain function, helps keep you physically feeling healthy, and helps improve your mood. I’ve been making sure to move my body (yoga, walking, strength training, barre, etc) each day so I can stay strong and and give an eviction notice to the anxiety that has been hanging out in my body. It’s such a great method to release all the physical gunk we hold onto. In the words of Queen Elsa, LET.IT.GO!


I don’t follow any specific diets, but I am really being mindful of what I am eating and putting into my body right now (your girl is always listening to her body). I am avoiding processed foods and sugar because they make me feel blah and hurt my gut. I have been working really hard to stay in a good headspace so I’m focused on consuming brain and mood boosting foods like fatty fish, avocado, green veggies, nuts and seeds, berries, and tea or coffee.


I meditate or take a virtual restorative yoga class every day to help me stop the craziness of my mind and all its mental chatter. It has been such a calming way for me to slow down, let go of emotions, and reconnect with my intuition. Reading has also been another great way for me to learn, grow and calm my mind when life around me gets to be too much. Reading fiction or non-fiction is so calming and relaxing for me and a great escape for some me time.


I will never give up having a glass of my favorite red wine, but I have severely limited my alcohol intake over the past month and the impact has been so positive. My brain is less foggy, my anxiety has immensely decreased, my productivity has increased, my skin is brighter, and overall I feel a lot better. I’ve also been drinking so much more water (even out of a wine glass at night) and just that additional water intake has been such a game changer for me.


Do things that make you laugh and feel good! Laughing is the best medicine out there.