Almond Butter, Berries and Seed Oatmeal Breakfast Bowls

I have been making these delicious breakfasts bowls the past few morning and had to share. They are super easy to make, super tasty, and packed with the good stuff. If you are looking for something easy and healthy to make for breakfast, this is it!

My go to breakfast is usually a smoothie, but recently I have been experimenting with different breakfast options to see what I enjoy the most. I came to the realization I like something on the sweeter side vs a savory breakfast to help kick off my day. I will never totally breakup with my smoothie as it is a great way to get lots of nutrients into one meal, but sometimes you just want something different.

So when it comes to anything I am making, my goal is to always include a protein, healthy fat, fiber and greens. But with this bowl, I couldn’t get the greens in so I know my other meals will need a little extra veggie love.

Oatmeal Almond Butter Berries and Seed Bowls.JPG

Oatmeal Almond Butter Berries & Seeds Bowl

  • 2/3 cup oatmeal, cooked

  • 1 cup mixed berries

  • 2 tbsp almond butter

  • 1 tsp cocoa nibs

  • 1 tsp chia seeds

  • dash of cinnamon

  • few drops stevia

  • splash of almond milk

Lastly, I paired this with a cup of black coffee that included collagen powder. You could add the collagen to the breakfast bowl or another type of protein powder if desired.