Gift Guide 2021: My Wish List

Tomorrow marks November 1st and do you all know what that means? I can finally start decorating for Christmas!!! Oh….and ALLLLL the Gift Guides! SO excited to bring these back for this year. I'm launching them a littler earlier this year due to supply chain issues/shortages, and shipping delays so you all have plenty of time!

I’m excited to say I did buy my first Christmas gift today, so I’m now in full gift giving mode and excited to share all my gift ideas with you all. I will say, I am someone who likes to have their gifts purchased and wrapped sometimes by the first week of December. I also bought my Christmas cards this weekend in the hopes to have those in the mail right after Thanksgiving. Christmas cards is one of my favorite things about holiday season. I love checking the mail daily to see who sent us some holiday cheer!

To start off this years gift guides, I thought I would start with my wish list. This guide is filled with items I asked Santa for plus a few items that have been on my general wish list for awhile. So this guide is about fun and allowing myself to dream big with my gifts. I don’t expect for all these gifts to be under the tree, but it was super fun to pull together my own personal list. Enjoy!

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